If you want to learn more about Exchange 2013, check out the.If you want a quick overview of what's new in Exchange 2013, check out.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013 Topic Last Modified: Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2013! We know you're eager to get started, but there are a few things you should be aware of before you start working with Exchange 2013 and using this content. STATIC ACTIVATION KEY'S: Standard: CPJFG-C9D94-J7F4K-T9Q48-FWKP7 Enterprise: MV2FQ-2MVJD-WK2VK-CB8XP-3Q2D9 MULTILANGUAGE: English, Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Chinese - Traditional, Chinese - Simplified 中古価格 ¥440 から (0 20:55時点) この記事がお役にたちましたらシェアをお願いします:).